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What is Bullying?
(Hurtful, Repeated, Imbalance of Power)


  • Verbal
     - Constant Pestering
     - Belittling
     - Threatening


  • Physical
     - Hitting
     - Taking/Breaking someone's things
     - Taxing


  • Social
     - Exclusion
     - Racism (and other ‘isms’)
     - Gossip


  • Cyberbullying
     - Sending Viruses/Hacking
     - Flaming (Mean texts/comments or posting embarrassing pictures/videos)
     - Online stalking


Standing around and watching it happen!



  • HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS. Bullies pick on kids who are alone.

  • JOIN GROUPS and find friends who like the same things you do.

  • LOOK AROUND SCHOOL. You're probably not the only kid being bullied. Make friends with other kids who are alone. Maybe you can help other kids.

  • WALK TO SCHOOL WITH SOMEONE - brothers, sisters, neighbours, or friends.

  • AVOID BULLIES. If you know a kid who doesn't like you, then stay away from them.

  • AVOID PLACES WHERE BULLIES ARE. Walk to school earlier or later. Take different paths to school to keep away from the bully. Don't be alone in the hallways, restrooms, empty classrooms, or playgrounds.

  • STAY WITHIN SIGHT OF TEACHERS AND GROWNUPS when you are at school. If they can see you, they can help you.

  • SIT NEAR THE BUS DRIVER on the school bus.

  • DON'T BRING EXPENSIVE STUFF OR LOTS OF MONEY to school. Bullies pick on kids who bring things they can take. It's not worth getting hurt. Things can be replaced, but you can't!

  • CHECK OUT THE WAY YOU ACT. Slouching, looking at the ground or your feet, and fidgeting show that you're not sure of yourself.  Look confident and the bully probably won't pick on you.

  • DON'T ACT SCARED – Look the bully in the eyes, say his/her name, tell them to stop it and that you don’t like it, and then walk away.  You could even try complimenting the bully to surprise them!  The key is to not give them the reaction that they want.

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